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St Thomas More Catholic School

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Parents Information

Parents play a key role in pupils' progress at school and we hope that all parents and carers will be active within the school community.

If you are a parent of a current or prospective student at St Thomas More School, this section of our website is designed to give you useful information on many different aspects of school life.

If you have a query that is not covered in this section, please email parents@stthomasmoreschool.org.uk or call the main school office on 020 8888 7122 and someone will endeavour to help you. 

Safeguarding - Designated Safeguarding Lead

If there is anything you want to discuss in relation to your child's welfare, safety at school, emotional/mental health please do not hesitate to contact me:

Tracy Warriner, Designated Safeguarding Lead  

Email: parents@stthomasmoreschool.org.uk

Free School Meals information and application form

Attached is information about applying for Free School Meals for your child/children together with a form which can be completed online. The form should be returned to: admin@stthomasmoreschool.org.uk


For more information on how parents can keep their children safe on the internet, please visit the following website: www.thinkuknow.co.uk


Homework timetables for 2023-24 are available here.

Free English lessons for parents

If you are a parent/carer of a child in our school, we may be able to offer you free English lessons.    If you are interested, please email senco@stthomasmoreschool.org.uk for further details.

Revision resources and strategies

Revision resources and strategies, particularly for exam groups, can be found here.

Living with Covid Plan

Below is the link for the new guidance on "Living with Covid-19".
